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Shaping the Future of Sales: Women in Sales x Commsor

Commsor and Women in Sales are partnering up to continue innovating the sales space together.

3 years ago, Commsor was a 'back end' community software company.

2 years ago, Commsor was a ‘back end' and 'front end’ community software company.

1 year go, Commsor decided to pivot.

Today, Commsor builds software that teaches teams how to go-to-market through the networks that surround their business (aka go-to-network).

In other words, we’ve brought the concept of ‘community’ to the doorstep of revenue teams by enabling them to tap into their own networks and grow revenue. 

Commsor’s roots are in community and our original belief that community is paramount to a businesses success stands and is very much still a core part of our products, Matcha and Bronto.

We know that a network is truly a professional's net worth and the only way to build a network worthy of being deemed ‘your net worth’, is by investing in building deep, authentic relationships. 

We’re at a major inflection point for sales, both from a mindset and tooling perspective.

So when Alexine Mudawar, Founder & CEO of Women in Sales approached our team about partnering up to continue changing the landscape of sales together, it made perfect sense.

Alexine’s sales career started early in her childhood walking around her neighborhood selling door-to-door. Like us, she recognizes that a lot has changed since those early days, but her strategy remains the same—  learn how to truly understand buyers, develop authentic relationships, and close business.

There’s been a massive shift in sales from traditional cold outbound (which of course, still has its place), to investing in building up a network of relationships because customers want to buy from people they know and trust. 

Historically, men have dominated the sales profession. Alexine recognized that for meaningful change to occur in this industry, it's vital for everyone (men and women) to be a part of the conversation if we want to see progress.

Enter the Women in Sales community. 

Women in Sales (WIS) is focused on elevating, empowering, and promoting women within the sales profession. By facilitating conversations and sharing resources, they believe they can help mold the future of sales to be more inclusive and quite frankly, just done in a better way.

It is first and foremost a community, an open and inclusive space where global members can connect 1:1 with peers, seek out job opportunities, uplift one another, and most importantly, teach each other about the future of the revenue space: Go-to-Network.

A look inside the WIS slack community! 

WIS is free to join and even encourages those who do not identify as women to join and listen in on the conversations happening there. 

As someone who is both a woman in sales and also a member of WIS myself, I have personally seen the impact this space has had on people. I’ve watched everything from someone landing a new role through the network of people in WIS, to someone learning new ways to sell without using aggressive tactics, all the way to someone hitting quota and attributing it to help from the community.

Community and relationships are the future of doing business.

This is why we are so excited to partner with Alexine and her team for another year. Together we will continue shifting the mindset of sellers everywhere, both with what their teams physically look like (more women and minorities please!) and how to sell their products and services the 'Go-to-Network way'. 

If you would like to support the WIS mission, be sure to follow Alexine, Women in Sales, and join the conversation!

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Katrine Reddin
Feb 29, 2024

Turn your network into war revenue

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