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Jamming to the Future of Go-to-Network with Ashley and Katrine: AKIRP x Commsor

Commsor is jamming with Ashley and Katrine to share the experiences and knowledge of women in revenue.

You never know what can come from a simple networking chat.

Three years ago, Ashley Coghill, Account Executive at Parentaly, and Katrine Reddin, Head of Sales at Commsor, were randomly paired in Matcha through Gong's Customer Networking Match Program.

The purpose of the networking program was to match customers together based on similar attributes (like level of sales experience), so they could have a chance to meet other Gong users one-on-one, as well as connect with someone over experiencing similar work challenges.

When Ashley and Katrine did eventually meet, they discovered they had so much more in common than just the software they were using.

Not only were they both military spouses (go army!), but they also discovered mutual experiences as women in sales. What started as a random, one-time connection turned into weekly Zooms and phone calls. Their friendship, or as they like to say "friendtorship" (friendship + mentorship) grew quickly, and so did the opportunities to have a wider conversation about the ups and downs of working as a woman in the revenue space.

Ashley and Katrine quickly realized there was a need for space for other women in revenue to connect with each other. Working with Gong, Ashley and Katrine began piloting the Women in Revenue Visioneer Meetups for Women to gauge interest in such a space. It ended up being such a hit that the number of women attending compounded rapidly, sometimes having 50+ attendees.

The monthly meetups, open to any person identifying s a woman in sales, marketing, revops, customer success, truly became a central gathering point as well as a place of safety. Each session was different, some featured widely respected speakers (like Hannah Ajiwako, Lori Harmon, and Danielle Keiser), others were used to discuss topics ranging from women’s health in the workplace, to what is considered "professional attire", all the way to understanding how ones enneagram can apply in the workplace.

Most importantly, attendees were always given then opportunity to share situations they were currently facing at work and received feedback from other community members.

The meetups were clearly a needed space and blossomed into an incredible community. It quickly became a space to discuss meaningful topics and the members who were willing to walk alongside one another, characterized this community of women.

Seeing the magnitude of impact this community was having on an increasing amount of women, Ashley and Katrine thought, “we’re gonna need a bigger platform.”

And thus, Ashley and Katrine’s Infinite Revenue Playlist was born.

It’s not like any other podcast though. “Every time we get to have a guest on, it’s a chance for Katrine and I to have a really candid and real conversation with someone we admire,” Ashley says. On top of that, each guest is asked to come prepared with a walk-up song that not only pumps them up, but reflects who they are as a professional.

Alright, I know what you’re thinking.

“There’s a playlist with all of these walk-up songs somewhere, right?”

Got you covered – check it out on Spotify here.

The podcast’s ultimate goal is empowering and connecting with other women who work in sales, customer success, marketing, and other revenue roles. “Our conversations are all about being our authentic selves and providing space to elevate the many diverse voices of women in revenue,” Katrine says.

This goal brings us to the heart of Go-to-Network and the very reason Commsor has partnered with Ashley and Katrine’s Infinite Revenue Playlist (AKIRP).

Commsor’s mission is to help people and their organizations build engaged and active networks. Building networks like these willing to elevate the voices of and open doors for women is core to changing the narrative for women in the workforce, and Commsor’s products are helping push companies, organizations, and individuals in that direction.

Screenshot from AKIRP ep Show Me You Know Me With Sam McKenna

In a fun twist of irony, “AKIRP as a podcast would not even exist without Commsor’s products – Katrine and I met in Matcha and we would never have started this podcast if we hadn’t been randomly matched,” Ashley says.

Together, Commsor and AKIRP are working together to not only build strong networks of women in revenue, but give them a platform to share their knowledge, expertise, and experiences with the world.

Be sure to check out Ashley & Katrine’s Infinite Revenue Playlist on YouTube and everywhere you listen to podcasts!

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Ben Regier
Mar 1, 2024

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